Gleeful Gayle King on Sessions Story: ‘Drip, Drip, Dripity Drop!’

Scott Whitlock | March 3, 2017
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[See NewsBusters for more.] CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King could barely hide excitement on Friday as she talked about Jeff Sessions recusing himself from any investigation into Russia’s connections with the 2016 election. Talking to Face the Nation's John Dickerson, she enthused, “It is like a song out of Empire. That drip, drip dripity drop where we just heard the President say, ‘No one I know has had contact.’” King, it should be reminded, is a Democratic donor. Earlier, she asked Dickerson how the President could put the story behind him. After allowing that one way would be for Trump to pass his agenda, he seemed to convict: “For there to stop being situations where you have people connected to the administration saying things that are at odds with the truth.”