Geraldo Show MELTDOWN Over Obama Scandals

radioeq | May 29, 2013
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GERALDO RIVERA (28 MAY 2013): You're making the president look like a damn murderer, Eric, and it's so irresponsible, and you are feeding these survivors or these victims with this false narrative so they hate the president and they accuse the president of being a murderer based on false reporting. It's outrageous!  
ERIC BOLLING (9:18): Here are the facts. At X time, two Americans were killed, Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith. Seven hours later, two more Americans were killed. In between that time, there was a verbal stand-down order given to all available assets in the area. That's the fact.
GERALDO RIVERA: That's not true.
ERIC BOLLING: You [said I called Obama] a murderer. I will call that negligence.
GERALDO RIVERA: You made that up just now. You made that up.
ERIC BOLLING: I made that up? Have you watched the testimony? Have you listened? Have you read --
GERALDO RIVERA: The only stand-down order was the four guys couldn't get on the plane, but Gov. Spitzer, go ahead.
ELIOT SPITZER: I just wanna say, Eric, repetition doesn't give any credibility to your argument. You can say it louder --
ERIC BOLLING: You know what, you guys? I'm not doin' this, because these are the facts. You guys can look 'em up, and I'll talk to you about it next week. [Bolling hangs up]