Gayle King ‘Worries’ ‘A Lot’ About Country Turning Into ‘Handmaid’s Tale’

Scott Whitlock | June 10, 2019
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[See NewsBusters for more.] In a CBS This Morning podcast, Gayle King admitted she worries "a lot" about the United States turning into the world of "Handmaid's Tale." Talking to star Elisabeth Moss, King fretted about the realism of a theocratic empire rising out of a civil war: “Do you get concerned about where we are in the country today?” She added, “When I first started watching, I go, this is so ridiculous.... Now I sit here in 2019 and I go, ‘Hmmm.’” Moss agreed, touting the plausibility, “ I wish it was a fantasy. You know? I really wish we fell more into that category.”