FNC Panel Spotlights Boston Herald Columnist's Smear of Amanda Carpenter

Matthew Balan | March 28, 2016
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

On the March 27, 2016 edition of Fox News Channel's MediaBuzz, Howard Kurtz ended a panel discussion segment by spotlighting how the Boston Herald's Adriana Cohen specifically named former Cruz flack Amanda Carpenter as one of Cruz's alleged mistresses on CNN's At This Hour on 25 March 2016. Trotter went after CNN and the program's anchor, Kate Bolduan, for "allowing her to go on national television, on a station like CNN, and republish that defamation." The Fox News host gave Bolduan the benefit of the doubt: "It's hard to react in a moment, so I'm sympathetic. But Kate Bolduan should not have let it go on." Roginsky sided with Kurtz, and added, "Adriana Cohen, frankly, owes this woman a humongous apology."