Federally-Permitted Lightbulbs a Cancer Risk

papagiorgio200 | January 6, 2013
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(HOTAIR) Legislate in haste … repent at leisure. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk) In their haste to rid Americans of the unconscionable plague of perfectly safe if somewhat inefficient incandescent lighting, politicians in Washington have forced us to adopt more expensive technology in its place. Compact flourescent lighting (CFLs) are already known to be a considerable disposal risk, thanks to the mercury used in them. A new study reported earlier this week by Miami’s CBS affiliate warns of an operational risk as well — ultraviolet radiation that can cause skin cancers and even acute burns (via Katie Pavlich)


Well, these are just the defective CFLs, right?  The outsides are coated to block UV radiation.  And that’s true, but …

In every bulb that researchers tested they found that the protective coating around the light creating ‘phosphor’ was cracked, allowing dangerous ultraviolet rays to escape.

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