E! Channel's 'I Am Cait': Trans Persons 'Scared' by Jenner

Dylan Gwynn | March 15, 2016
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>> Kate: The other day on the bus, I was a smartass. I said to myself, "Oh, I know Caitlyn's a Republican. Let's see if we can get a rise out of her." And I said, "Hey, Caitlyn..."
>> Caitlyn: Did it work?
>> Kate: "Caitlyn... Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?"
>> Caitlyn: Yeah, I know, yeah.
>> Kate: And we were off to the races. I walked out of the room while you were talking, and I want you to know it wasn't because of what you were saying. I want to know more about that.
>> Caitlyn: Right.
>> Kate: The kind of anger that was coming-- anger's a healthy...
>> Caitlyn: It's passion.
>> Kate: And I hear it as anger and I go, "Uh-oh, scared little boy, Daddy's angry." And I leave.
>> Jenny: Caitlyn, I want to make sure that you hear that it made not just Kate but many of us uncomfortable.
>> Caitlyn: Yeah, I-I look at all the issues, I think, in a much different way than most people in this room look at the issues.
>> Jenny: It's not about the issues-- we're asking you to hear the fact that we're telling you we were scared.

So, there you go. Have no argument? No factual basis with which to refute anything? On the wrong side of history and…basically everything? No problem! Simply denounce your opponent as mean-spirited and scary and retreat back into your safe zone.

To Jenner’s credit, he never took back the substance of anything he said. Which was awesome. But promised to be nicer. Because you wouldn’t want to harm the sensibilities of people who align with political parties that storm conventions and attack police and political opponents.

“Tolerance for me, but not for thee.”

Or, something.