David Corn on Ben Carson: 'There Are Serious Issues About His Faith'

MarkF | October 27, 2015
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David Corn has claimed that there are "serious issues" about Ben Carson's Seventh Day Adventist faith. Great point, David. After all, for twenty years, Carson sat in the pews of a preacher who spewed "God damn America" hatred, a pastor that Carson chose to officiate his marriage and baptize his children.

Oh, wait: that wasn't Carson. It was Barack Obama, who chose Jeremiah "Chickens Coming Home to Roost" Wright as his personal pastor and faith guide. Never mind. On this evening's Hardball, Corn claimed that Carson's religion needs to be investigated because it believes in an end time. Guess what, David? All the Abrahamic religions do: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. It's not a question of if, only when. So take your religious bigotry elsewhere, Corn.