Cuomo: Trump is 'Far More Dangerous' Than Racist Character From 'Do The Right Thing'

Ryan Foley | July 16, 2019
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CNN host Chris Cuomo used President Trump's tweet urging the left-wing Democratic Congresswomen known as "the Squad," specifically Somalia native Ilhan Omar, to "go back" and "fix" their home countries as an excuse to trash the President and his supporters during his closing argument Monday night. The chyron at the bottom of the screen read "Trump Uses Racism as Political Tool to Rally Hateful Voters." After calling President Trump a demagogue, Cuomo alleged that the President "wants the Pinos of this country to love him." Cuomo was referring to a character from the movie "Do The Right Thing." He proceeded to play a clip of Pino telling a customer at his pizzeria to "go the f*** back to Africa." Cuomo described Pino as "an ignorant fool limited by exposure, education, culture bias" before declaring that "this President is something far more dangerous than him."
