Cuomo, Lemon Trash 'Xenophobia' Espoused by 'Demagogue' Trump

Ryan Foley | June 26, 2019
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As he tossed over to CNN Tonight host Don Lemon, CNN host Chris Cuomo engaged in a conversation with Lemon about the death of an illegal immigrant and his daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande on a journey to the United States.  Most of their back-and-forth basically consisted of advocacy for open borders and trashing the Trump administration and anyone who dares to think that people seeking to enter the United States should come legally. Lemon complained that people "twist this...into they shouldn't be bringing their kids over anyway." Lemon directed a message to people who feel that way: "If you're saying that to yourself, what a terrible sentiment to have. Get on your knees tonight and ask for guidance how to feel about this issue and ask God to soften your heart; or to at least speak to you about who you have become as a human being." Cuomo told Lemon "I get the big stick...I get the xenophobia, I get the fear of someone saying I'll tell you why things are harder for you. I'll tell you why it's harder to make ends's because we're taking care of people like this." Lemon jumped in: "that's bullsh*t." Cuomo responded by saying "it works. That's what being a demagogue is all about." Towards the end of the conversation, Cuomo asked "if you're worried about people being here the wrong way, why aren't we at the airports lined up right now because they're overstaying Visas as much as they walk across?" Lemon answered: "because they're not brown. They're not the brown menace...People who come over from airplanes look like him." Cuomo also complained that White House adviser Stephen Miller did not yield to the pedestal at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty when making immigration policy: "When Stephen Miller said, you know, those words on the Statue of Liberty; that’s not American policy…I’ve never heard anything like that before. Lady Liberty stands on the pedestal; the basis of her existence are those words."