Cuomo Decries Elderly-Rich Florida Getting More Vaccine than New York

Nicholas Fondacaro | December 16, 2020
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

What does the Cuomo family have against elderly people? First, Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) killed scores of elderly people by ordering COVID patients into nursing homes, and then, on Tuesday, CNN’s Chris “Fredo” Cuomo decried how elderly-rich Florida getting more vaccine doses than New York. He even had the nerve to question “should” Floridians get the doses they need. And the logic (if you could even call it that) behind the argument, was an asinine mess.

This rant was all part of Chris’s so-called “Vacci-Nation” segment, which NewsBusters previously noted was Cuomo’s new segment where he pushed vaccine distribution conspiracy theories. And he was much more forward in flaunting his intention with the segment on night two. “Again, is this just about math? Or is it manipulation,” he proclaimed after noting Texas was slated to get a lot of doses.

According to Cuomo’s web of speculated dubious dealings, states with the most cases should get the most doses. And according to him, those states were “New York, California, Texas, Florida,” in that order. He said that while an on-screen graphic labeled California, Texas, Florida, Illinois, and New York as having the most cases, in that order. But at the same time, the graphic labeled Cuomo’s four states as leading in deaths.

So, which metric were we supposed to use, cases or deaths?

