CNN’s Tapper Sits Back as Student Equates Rubio to School Shooter

Nicholas Fondacaro | February 21, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

The CNN town hall to promote gun control and gun grabbing was off the rails from the very start. So-called moderator Jake Tapper sat back and relaxed as the wild crowd targeted Republican Senator Marco Rubio with boos and jeers for basically just being there. The wildest moment allowed by Tapper was when Parkland, Florida student Cameron Kasky smeared the Senator by equating him to the shooter that killed 17 of his classmates.

I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to do this, but I'm not going to listen to that. Senator Rubio, it's hard to look at you and not look down the barrel on an AR-15 and not look at Nikolas Cruz, but the point is: You're here and there are some people who are not,” Kasky spat.

After Rubio answered his question, Kasky began to browbeat him for the money the NRA donated to his campaign, basically insinuating he was being bribed. “And this is about people who are for making a difference to save us and people who are against it and prefer money. So Senator Rubio, can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the NRA in the future,” he demanded to know as the crowd went crazy.

“And I do support any law that would keep guns out of the hands of a deranged killer, and that's why I support the things I have stood for and fought for--” Rubio responded before Kasky began to interrupt him:

