CNN’s Kohn: ‘We Should Be Worried’ About Who Trump Is ‘Speaking to’

connor.williams | July 21, 2015
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Today on CNN Newsroom, CNN contributor Sally Kohn slammed Donald Trump and his supporters. Kohn argued that the billionaire real estate mogul’s rise “is troubling to anyone who cares about this country and its values.” She pointed out how Trump rose in the polls despite his suggestion that “the hard working moms and dads coming across the border” are mostly rapists and drug dealers. Fellow panelist Tara Setmayer and host Carol Costello hinted that Trump’s rise is a product of his celebrity persona, and Kohn agreed, saying it’s “a legitimate point.” However, she thought there was something more “insidious” about Trump’s surge to the top of the polls. Kohn elaborated: “You know, there is disaffected, highly racialized, highly us versus them part of the American electorate that he is firing up, and that’s – Trump’s a clown. We should be worried about who he's speaking to.”