CNN's Cuomo Likens LGBT Marriage Foes to Segregationists

Matthew Balan | June 29, 2015
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

Chris Cuomo again acted like a LGBT activist on the 29 June 2015 edition of CNN's New Day, as he interviewed Peter Sprigg from the socially conservative Family Research Council. Cuomo raised the specter of Jim Crow when he claimed that a proposed First Amendment Defense Act in Congress "does smack familiar to what happened in the wake of the miscegenation laws and the civil rights laws, where ...some cited the Bible; some stated religion – and said, it's against my beliefs. I shouldn't have to participate."

The anchor used some of the social left's other talking points on LGBT issues – that conservatives were trying to "project your religious beliefs onto the behavior of others. We know that we can't do that in a pluralistic society. This just seems like a little bit sour grapes, and a little bit of trying to defy...the supreme law of the land." He also asserted that religious insitutions worried about their tax-exempt status in the wake of the Supreme Court's Friday decision on same-sex "marriage" was, "as some would access...a scare tactic."