CNN's Camerota Downplays Baby Organ Harvesting Outrage; Suggests Price Fixing

Matthew Balan | July 28, 2015
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

On the 28 July 2015 edition CNN's New Day, Alisyn Camerota made no mention of the outrage over Planned Parenthood varying its abortion techniques in order to preserve unborn babies' organs for medical research, as was revealed in two undercover videos. Instead, Camerota zeroed in on "these representatives from Planned Parenthood negotiating" over prices for these organs. She even touted how the "exchange of fetal tissue...obviously, does a lot of good. There's a lot of research – cures for diseases that come from it."

Camerota later asked Planned Parenthood executive vice president Dawn Laguens, "Why not set a set price? Wouldn't that solve the problem? Because, in this video, it says – well, sometimes, it's between $30 to $100 – depending upon storage, and depending upon handling. And so, it makes it seem as though there's room for haggling or negotiation. Why not say, it's going to be $100 across the board, and there's no if's, and's, or buts?"