On CNN’s Sunday night special, ‘The Divided States of America: What Is Tearing Us Apart?,’ Fareed Zakaria devoted the whole hour to an anti-conservative screed as he blamed Tea Party, which he characterized as motivated by racism, Fox News creator Roger Ailes, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich for leading to the Trump presidency and, thus, all the nation’s current ills.
Zakaria asserted that “when scholars spent time with Tea Party activists they found that behind the talk of taxes and big government were people mostly motivated by fears about race and immigration.”
He moved on to how Ailes “turned his channel into a right wing bull horn, blurring facts and opinion like never before.” Turning his ire on Sarah Palin, Zakaria maintained: “Donald Trump had a role model for his exploitation of the class divide. Sarah Palin, who did it first.”
He spent a few minutes on social media before getting to his final target, Newt Gingrich: “Before there was a Donald Trump, there was a Republican pioneer who paved the way for the Trump brand of destructive politics....His legacy has been both dark and far reaching: A permanent state of war between the parties.”
>> This video clipped to illustrate Paul Bedard's February 1 Liberal Media Scream for the Washington Examiner <<