CNN Badgers Rubio On Missed Senate Votes; 'In A Glass House'

Matthew Balan | October 26, 2015
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

Jamie Gangel hounded Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio over his missed Senate votes on the 26 October 2015 edition of CNN's New Day. Gangel played up how Senator Rubio "said federal workers who don't show up should be fired." When the Florida politician countered that he had said that "federal workers that aren't doing their jobs — that are not performing at their jobs — should be able to be fired," the correspondent replied, "So someone might say you're not showing up. You're not doing your job by voting. You don't think you're in a glass house?"

Gangel also contended that "Hillary Clinton has had a pretty good two weeks. She had Saturday Night Live. She did well in the debates. She went through 11 hours of the hearings." Senator Rubio replied, in part, that "people may think she had a good week. I think this is the week that it was proven that she lied about Benghazi."