CBS's John Dickerson: Obama White House Scandals are 'Little Fires'

Matthew Balan | June 13, 2013
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From 13 June 2013 broadcast of CBS This Morning:

CHARLIE ROSE: So, the question comes: what's the impact on the President and the presidency?

JOHN DICKERSON: Well, I think at the – at the small end, the impact is that this is a distraction. We're talking about the latest scandal, and they're not – we're not talking about whatever the White House wants us to be talking about. At the worst end, this becomes – you get a feeling it's, kind of, a scandal a week related to the administration, and if that idea sets in – that there's a, kind of, rot...

..[W]hen you talk to staffers inside the White House and in reporting I've done on the Hill, they're focused on implementing the Affordable Care Act. They're trying to get something done on immigration....So, they're trying to stay focused on the things that really matter to this presidency, and only trying to spend a small amount of time putting out these little fires.