CBS Slimes Conservative Boris Johnson as Responsible for Racist Hate Against Soccer Players

Scott Whitlock | July 13, 2021
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[See NewsBusters for more.] It’s not just American conservatives that the corrupt journalists at CBS This Morning try and slime as racist. British Conservative Boris Johnson is, apparently, responsible for the racist trolls on Twitter who spewed vile at England’s soccer team after a heartbreaking loss in the European championship. That’s the implication from reporter Imtiaz Tyab, anyway. After racist attacks on three British players over the weekend, Prime Minister Boris Johnson condemned the bigotry, telling those responsible to “crawl back under the rock from which you emerged.” Yet, that wasn’t enough for Tyab who, amidst all the support of the three men, sneered, “A heartfelt message of unity from multicultural Britain that critics accuse Prime Minister Boris Johnson of accused of trying to divide.”
