CBS Pushes Back From the Dead Revival of ERA Amendment

Scott Whitlock | January 16, 2020
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[See NewsBusters for more.] CBS This Morning on Thursday devoted an entire segment to pushing the revival of the long-dead Equal Rights Amendment. Though reporter Jan Crawford did highlight a bit of opposition to the effort, she left out key details, such as the amendment’s connection to supporting abortion. Co-host Tony Dokoupil described it as a move “that's intended to outlaw discrimination against women.” Also not mentioned in the segment? The fact that four of the states which passed the ERA have since rescinded their votes. In Virginia on Wednesday, the now-Democrat controlled state Senate and House moved to the brink of passing the ERA. Crawford explained, “Most of those 38 states approved the ERA More than 40 years ago. But it never received the three fourths majority needed to become a full amendment.” She highlighted that the new push was “celebrated as a possible turning point by ERA supporters Donna Granski who has been fighting for the amendment since the 1970s.” 
