CBS Omits Attkisson's Scoop on Kerry's Refusal to Let Benghazi Survivors Testify

Matthew Balan | September 12, 2013
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As of the morning of 12 September 2013, CBS's morning and evening newscasts have yet to mention a revelation made by their own investigative correspondent, Sharyl Attkisson, on Tuesday – that Secretary of State John Kerry told Congress "he will not honor the request to make Benghazi survivors available for questioning."

The 11 September 2013 edition of CBS Evening News aired a full report on the State Department's slow progress in upgrading security at U.S. diplomatic posts in the aftermath of the September 11, 2012 Islamist attack, but failed to mention Kerry's refusal. Margaret Brennan also let the Obama administration and Senator Robert Menendez hint that congressional Republicans were to blame for not appropriating the $2.2 billion needed for the security upgrades

The transcript of the relevant portions from Margaret Brennan's report on the 11 September 2013 edition of CBS Evening News:

SCOTT PELLEY: One year ago today, in Benghazi, Libya, militants linked to al Qaeda stormed the U.S. mission and another building about a mile away. In an attack that lasted for hours, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed. That brought calls to strengthen security at U.S. diplomatic outposts.

MARGARET BRENNAN (voice-over): The State Department still has not fully implemented recommendations made after an earlier investigation into the Benghazi attacks. Those included 1,000 Marines to be sent to 27 high-threat posts – only 100 have deployed; new training for embassy personnel to prevent injury by fire – but that is still 10 months away; hiring an additional 150 of the State Department's own security staff – many won't start for another year.

We asked the State Department about the delays, and it says it has requested $2.2 billion to fully fund the reforms. A bill in Congress to authorize that money has yet to come up for a vote.

SEN. ROBERT MENENDEZ, (D), NEW JERSEY: At a time of fiscal cliffs; at a time of fiscal challenges, I have to continue to convince members that this is the right thing to do.