CBS, NBC Guests Fret Over End of Mask Mandates on Planes, Trains as Dangerous

Curtis Houck | April 19, 2022
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Less than 24 hours after Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle struck down the Biden administration’s mask mandate on planes and public transportation, Tuesday’s CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today stood up for those still paralyzed in fear of the coronavirus, tag-teaming with medical experts to fret people wouldn’t accept two more weeks of masking and that we’ve placed such a dangerous burden on immunocompromised individuals.

Co-host and Democratic donor Gayle King led the way on CBS Mornings in her interview with former Biden COVID-19 advisory board member Dr. Celine Gounder: “There are a lot of people that are cheering, as you saw on the planes, saying it's about time. Still, others are saying this makes no sense. What do you think? Is this a good idea to lift the mask at this time?”