CBS Hypes Potential 'Split' in GOP Between 'Staunch' Tea Party and 'Mainstream'

Matthew Balan | October 14, 2013
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From the 14 October 2013 edition of CBS Evening News:

CHIP REID: There are only three or four dozen staunch Tea Party Republicans in the House, but they have influence with conservative activists across the country. Some Tea Party elements tried to oust Boehner as Speaker earlier this year. Eager to avoid another revolt, he joined forces with the Tea Party last month.

But last week, Boehner changed course again, dropping his demand that ObamaCare be part of a deal.

REP. JOHN BOEHNER, (R), HOUSE SPEAKER (from October 10, 2013 press conference): I don't want to put anything on the table; I don't want to take anything off the table.

REID: This time, the pressure to switch came from mainstream House Republicans.

REID (on-camera): If there is a deal in the Senate, Boehner will face a dilemma. He can either allow the House to vote, which will likely split the Republican Party in two and create a major backlash from the Tea Party; or, Scott, he can refuse to allow a vote, which could lead to default.