CBS Frets Comey’s Comments Complicated his Testimony in Case, Impeachment

Nicholas Fondacaro | April 16, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

The day after former FBI Director James Comey’s interview with ABC News where he repeatedly slammed President Trump, the liberal media was largely fawning for his chides and speculation of Russian influence. While their colleagues were focused on touting Comey’s media antics, CBS Evening News spent their Monday report fretting about the damage Comey may have done to any legal or political case against Trump.

What impact will Comey's book and his comments have on the special counsel investigation,” anchor Jeff Glor asked of Justice reporter Paula Reid after playing a clip of Comey suggesting Trump was “morally unfit to be president.” Reid immediately noted: “Comey's attacks on the President could certainly complicate any future court proceeding or any kind of impeachment debate in Congress.

