Brent Bozell Tells Megyn Kelly About TV's Obamacare Omission: 'CBS Is the Least Awful, But They're Still Awful'

Scott Whitlock | March 28, 2014
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[For more, see video cross-posted at NewsBusters.] MRC president Brent Bozell appeared Thursday night (as he often does) on “The Kelly File” on the Fox News Channel. The subject was this week’s MRC studies on Obamacare – the Rich Noyes study on the under-coverage of Obamacare, and the Geoffrey Dickens study on all the victims who’ve been ignored. Brent touched on how only CBS did one Saturday story on a four-year-old who was denied care under Obama’s alleged “signature achievement.” But he professed amazement about how a program so ambitious that the networks called it a “landmark” and “historic” when it passed is now getting buried by Brian, Diane, and Scott.