Blitzer Hounds RNC Spox: Why Doesn't Trump 'Make It Clear' That He Doesn't Support Neo-Nazis?

Kristine Marsh | November 23, 2016
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On Tuesday’s The Situation Room on CNN, anchor Wolf Blitzer joined the rest of the media in spending endless hours harping on a gathering of 200 white supremacists expressing their support for Trump. While Trump denounced the group, and has done so in the past, this wasn’t good enough for some journalists like Blitzer, who demanded that Trump do more. In an interview with RNC strategist Sean Spicer, Blitzer repeatedly asked Spicer why Trump hadn’t come out in a video or a formal speech to denounce their support. Eventually Spicer snapped and asked Blitzer, “Should he write it in the sky with an airplane? I mean at what point is it enough? I don't know but I think that he has been very clear, and it's time to move on.


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