BBC’s Ghattas Frets to Hillary: You’re So ‘Ahead of Your Time’ You’ve Faced ‘A Lot of Prejudice’

Curtis Houck | November 7, 2016
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See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog.

After posing for photos with her most ardent supporters (aka the news media) on Monday morning, Hillary Clinton held a brief press gaggle before they boarded her plane for Election Eve rallies and amidst that, the BBC’s Kim Ghattas lobbed one of the most adoring questions one will ever see about the “prejudice” Clinton has faced by being “ahead of your time.”

The question that could end up in the next edition of Notable Quotables came after Clinton expressed how “excited” she was to have one last day to campaign and especially a “really meaningful” nightcap at Independence Hall with President Obama and the First Lady.