Axelrod, Borger Lecture Carpenter: Cruz Can’t Unify GOP Since He Called McConnell a ‘Liar’

Curtis Houck | March 2, 2016
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See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog.

Not long after Midnight Eastern time on Wednesday after Super Tuesday, CNN senior political commentator David Axelrod and senior political analyst Gloria Borger repeatedly lectured fellow panelist and former Ted Cruz communications director Amanda Carpenter by telling her that Cruz would be unable to best unite the Republican Party in November since he’s called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a liar. 

The commentators from the two liberal panelists came in reaction to Carpenter succinctly explaining that “Trump won’t be able to unite the party” based on his “brutal campaign that he’s run against his opponents” and the “the insults he's hurled” at scores of Americans (e.g. immigrants, Muslims, and women).
