Att* Fellow American Freeloaders: More "Obama Money" Coming Soon in the Form of Massive Debt Relief, Cha-Ching! Well...Maybe..."Some Economists are Floating the Idea Around Out There"

jammieyounce | October 7, 2011
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Bailout for the American People?

Uploaded by TheAlyonaShow on Oct 6, 2011

There's a new proposal being floated out there, massive debt relief, it may seem a little radical but some economists argue that it's the only way to get out of this mess. Just think about it, tens of millions of Americans are burdened with mortgages they can't afford, as well as student loan debt, credit card debt....we're a country that likes to charge and pay later. But since the banks got a bailout....could the American people get one too? Reason's Anthony Randazzo weighs in.
