AJ Takes Immigration Law & Order Message to Univision

MRC Latino | September 27, 2016
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FÉLIX DE BEDOUT, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: This is just a sampling of what are millions of people like them [unauthorized immigrants] that have contributed to this country in many ways. If Mr. Trump’s policies on immigration were applied, they would not be able to tell their stories of success. Why deny it to others?

A.J. DELGADO, TRUMP CAMPAIGN ADVISOR: Well, I think we can admit as [Mexican] President Peña Nieto has, that every country has the right to control its borders, of controlling immigration. How does, for example, Mexico treat its undocumented immigrants? They send them to the United States or they reject them. The point is – yes, I congratulate them on their achievements, what the people you’ve mentioned have accomplished, but this country has a problem with jobs. We don’t need more competition, including Latinos that are already here, they’re the ones who suffer when more undocumented people enter, and have more competition, and they lower the salaries. That’s why. Millions of undocumented immigrants we receive here, we have to solve this situation in a way…

FELIX DE BEDOUT, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: But… but I think there’s a…

A.J. DELGADO, TRUMP CAMPAIGN ADVISOR: …that’s humane, but we have to solve it.