ABC's Kimmel Airs Fake PSA Featuring Climate Scientists

Matthew Balan | May 3, 2016
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[More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.]

ABC's Jimmy Kimmel ranted against climate change skeptics on his late-night program on 2 May 2016. He then introduced a mock PSA featuring six scientists: "The people you're about to see are scientists. They're Americans. They're not part of some imaginary conspiracy. They're just a smarter version of us. Watch this; and if at the end, you disagree, while we're all under water, I hope you'll be the last one who gets a snorkel." His chosen experts went along with his mock-the-skeptics act, and repeatedly said, "We're not f**king with you" (the actual expletive was censors). They even brought a kid at the end of the "PSA," who pretended to curse himself. An unidentified announcer jokingly disclosed that the "ad" was "paid for by people who know more than you do."