ABC on Hillary E-Mails: 'It's Going to Be the Honor System'

Scott Whitlock | March 5, 2015
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[See NewsBusters for more.] According to Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Thursday, Hillary Clinton will ask Americans to simply trust her when it comes to the growing scandal regarding her e-mails as Secretary of State. Talking to George Stephanopoulos, Karl conceded, "George, this is basically going to be the honor system."  Stephanopoulos, a former top aide in the Bill Clinton White House, carefully asked, "There had been some suggestions earlier that some laws may not have been fully followed. Is that still the case?" Regarding the news that Clinton used a personal e-mail and her own server while in office, Karl parroted, "...The White House believes, if she did what she said she did, she followed the letter of the law if not the spirit of the law."