ABC: GOP in ‘Disarray’ as Ryan Deals With ‘Far-Right’

Scott Whitlock | October 21, 2015
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[See NewsBusters for more.] All three networks on Wednesday spun Paul Ryan as dealing with the “far-right” “hardliners" in Congress. ?Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos lectured, “Paul Ryan steps forward toward the top job in Congress with a challenge to fellow Republicans.” In a news brief, Tom Llamas derided conservatives: “Ryan wants Republicans to unite behind him by Friday, including the far-right members of the party.” In a news brief, Tom Llamas opined, “Ryan wants Republicans to unite behind him by Friday, including the far-right members of the party.” In another segment, reporter Jon Karl derided, “With his party and Congress now in disarray, Paul Ryan now says he's willing to run for Speaker of the House.”