ABC Denounces 'Outrageous,' 'Offensive' Duck Dynasty Comments

Scott Whitlock | December 19, 2013
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[For more, see video cross-posted at NewsBusters.] The same networks that totally ignored MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir's vile attacks against Sarah Palin highlighted the "outrageous," "offensive" comments made by Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson in an interview to GQ. The journalists on ABC's Good Morning America provided the most aggressive coverage, repeatedly wondering if the remarks "will sink the show." The morning program offered almost no consideration of Robertson and the issue of free speech. Instead, PR expert Howard Bragman wondered if the TV star is "willing to go to a deeper level of understanding and see why his remarks offended so many people? "Entertainment anchor Lara Spencer fully agreed: "Really outrageous statements." Spencer wanted to know just how the A&E network could bring the reality star back and, at the same time, "let people know they acknowledge how outrageous and offensive these comments are?"