Seton Motley | April 21, 2009
MSNBC's Shuster Is A Slob on TEA Parties
Seton Motley | April 21, 2009
CNN's Christiane Amanpour and Jeffrey Toobin Denigrate TEA Parties
Seton Motley | April 20, 2009
CNN Susan Roesgen's Belligerent 'Interview' With Obama/Hitler TEA Party Protester and Baby
Seton Motley | April 20, 2009
CBS/ABC TEA Party Bias Medley
Seton Motley | April 19, 2009
ABC's Sam Donaldson let a little of his inner-conspiracy theorist out this morning on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. In a discussion of President Barack Obama's lessening the sanctions on Fidel Castro's Cuba, Donaldson began his analysis with a Cuba-Truther notion that's been knocking around ever since President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963…
Seton Motley | January 26, 2009
MRC's Brent Bozell's press statement on Obama singling out Rush Limbaugh.
Seton Motley | January 7, 2009
MRC's Seton Motley appeared on this morning's Fox & Friends on the Fox News Channel to discuss the egregious media double standard when it comes to Republicans and Democrats misbehaving.
Seton Motley | January 7, 2009
MRC's Seton Motley appeared on this morning's Fox & Friends on the Fox News Channel to discuss the egregious media double standard when it comes to Republicans and Democrats misbehaving.
Seton Motley | December 30, 2008
For at least ten seconds there, it appeared Margaret Warner thought PBS stood for the Palestinian Broadcast Service.
Seton Motley | December 4, 2008
MSNBC's Chris Matthews finds few things in life as thrilling as Barack Obama. Republican in-fighting, certainly, comes close. A rich pageantry of ridiculous bias, rank hypocrisy, snarkiness and adolescent boy sexual frustration.