Ken Shepherd | March 7, 2016
From confusing an NBC reporter with a movie star to mispronouncing the word "life." Read more at NewsBusters 
Ken Shepherd | March 2, 2016
TOPICS: -- Hillary Clinton -- Super Tuesday -- Hillary Clinton -- Bernie Sanders -- Joe Biden at Oscars -- Pope Francis -- Ramon Castro Dies -- Harper Lee Passed Away
Ken Shepherd | February 26, 2016
Read more at NewsBusters | Last night on a special post-debate edition of Hardball, MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews railed against Ted Cruz for his supposedly McCarthyite attacks on Donald Trump vis-a-vis his undisclosed tax returns. Yet in August 2012 after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) insisted on the Senate floor that an unnamed source told him Romney hadn't paid taxes in a decade,…
Ken Shepherd | February 25, 2016
Read more at NewsBusters | Yesterday afternoon, controversial rapper Kanye West had a bit of a stopped-clock moment when he tweeted a surprisingly rather conservative statement, and one rather succinctly and clearly stated at that. "What is your defintion of true freedom?" West asked, answering his own query, "There is no true freedom without economic freedom." 
Ken Shepherd | February 25, 2016
Read more at NewsBusters | During tonight's Republican debate on CNN, panelist María Celeste Arrarás of Telemundo implied that both Sens. Cruz and Rubio were Hispanics who had little if any regard for fellow members of their ethnicity and were instead playing to a largely-white GOP base. "[Y]ou are the first Hispanic candidate ever to win a caucus or primary," she noted of the Texas Republican,…