Early each semester in political-economics classes, I try to show students all the forms of pernicious statism, i.e. forced collectivism, and one of…
After years of devious, unsupportable, government-subsidized (i.e. tax-subsidized) propaganda designed to generate apocalyptic fear and support…
If it’s taken you a month to recover from all the whoppers contained in the first “Biden 2024” ad – especially its claim that ol’ Joe engaged in “…
Looking back at the not-so stellar behavior of actress Jane Fonda since she became one of the most prominent radicals of the “Sixties Generation,”…
Many Americans recently heard that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on August 25 issued its edict prohibiting the sale of internal-…
In Scotland, a catastrophe is playing out,…
Imagine you are the protagonist of a detective story, the kind that sees you standing above heaps of dirty coffee mugs, and before a wall chock-…
"Senate Democrats are watching closely—and already working on a windfall profits tax," Sen. Liz Warren (D - Mass.) tweeted last week.…
As more than two million people without power shiver and suffer in winter-hit Texas for what’s turning into the third-straight day, news is emerging…
Did you hear the latest?
Massachusetts Senator Liz Warren is going into the private sector!
During a visit to New Hampshire, she told a group…