
Brittany M. Hughes | June 22, 2020
Protesters in D.C. tried to pull down a statue of President Andrew Jackson from Lafayette Park. And it didn’t go so well. According to reports,…
Eric Scheiner | June 15, 2020
French President Emmanuel Macron says his country will fight against racism but it will not surrender its historic statues. Macron made the comments…
Eric Scheiner | December 19, 2017
A special message from We sent crayons to help soothe your wounded soul, but we forgot to remove the offensive privileged…
Eric Scheiner | September 26, 2017
An Antifa group is urging acts of vandalism against Christopher Columbus statues, calling for a “Deface Columbus Day.” “As the monuments of white…
Eric Scheiner | September 5, 2017
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says a controversial Columbus statue should stay, “The statue is really not about Columbus; it’s about the Italian-…
Nick Kangadis | August 23, 2017
Check and mate. Those offended by anything that could possibly, by any stretch of the imagination, be construed as "racist" can now chew on this.…
Monica Sanchez | August 21, 2017
Image via Twitter / NatGeo A majority of Americans side with President Trump that Confederate monuments should be preserved as parts of "the…
Nick Kangadis | August 21, 2017
An astounding 63 people were shot over the weekend in Chicago, but let’s all worry about inanimate objects like statues. Oh, and don’t forget about…