star trek
Sometimes, people leave it all behind. But sometimes, the people involved in the creation of fictitious worlds remain in the spotlight,…
In what appears to be a sign of both massive hypocrisy and a possible fear of ESG (Environmental-Social-Governance) retribution, corporate…
If you’re one of the many who quickly noticed and took offense to collectivist politicians and their cartoonish media fluffers scrambling to redefine…
Corporate entertainment giant Paramount, which owns Paramount Pictures, CBS, MTV, Nickelodeon, England’s Channel Five, and the rights to thousands of…
Virtue-signaling leftism has rotted so many cultural institutions that many of those who once admired or were part of them have fled the proverbial…
Stacey Abrams has plenty of experience playing a fake political leader. Remember that time she identified as the Governor-elect of Georgia? So she’s…
As we approach the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks it is interesting to look back and see how American culture has changed in that two-…
Star Trek used to boldly seek out new worlds and new civilizations. Now it wilts at strong words cowers lets someone's feelings get hurt. The…
We saw the real ugliness of the liberal progressive media, via CNN, when Don Lemon and his guest mocked Kanye West. As a proud, conservative…
George Takei, one of the foremost supporters of the “listen and believe” narrative when it comes to sexual assault accusations, is claiming “Russian…
Actor William Shatner received some backlash after jumping on Twitter to report his disdain for social justice warriors, sparking a series of…
Is Captain Kirk a communist?
According to a July 24 essay in the New York Times - and despite such an idea seeming, as Mr. Spock would say,…