Smash Racism DC

Monica Sanchez | November 9, 2018
Fox News host Tucker Carlson in a phone interview with The Washington Post revealed that his wife was home alone when a mob of Antifa protesters…
Nick Kangadis | September 25, 2018
The far-Left promotes a fascist agenda while masquerading as “anti-fascist.” For them, basic human decency is a right only extended to people that…
Nick Kangadis | September 25, 2018
Even though the far-Left consistently tells all of us how “tolerant” they are, associating the Left with “tolerance” has become oxymoronic at this…
Nick Kangadis | January 17, 2017
As if yesterday’s Project Veritas video wasn’t enough to prove just how crazy the left is over the election of President-elect Donald Trump, James…