No play or musical is safe, at this point, from being re-written into a woke cliche.
But if you didn’t think a classic could be done any more…
In a development reflecting the ever-wider circles leftist create to demonize Christian virtues, Natural Rights, fine art, family, tradition…
Welsh superstar vocalist Sir Tom Jones stood above the hectoring fray this week, as Welsh Rugby Union officially “banned” stadiums from playing the…
Never hesitant to parade her termagant personality and double-standards, the international meddler, tax-taker, and trust-breaking Hillary Clinton…
There is an old, well known tune on the children’s television show “Sesame Street” called “One of These Things." It's a pattern recognition game,…
The English Department over at UPenn has replaced a painting of Shakespeare with a photo of a black lesbian, citing “diversity.”
The famous English…
A California high school English teacher has announced she does not want to teach her students Shakespeare because he’s white.
In a Washington…