Seth Dillon
During a Wednesday interview with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit on the Real Talk podcast, Dillon reflected on his experience taking a stand against the…
Unless you actually enjoy being a submissive fool that loves being told how to live while the same people telling you take most of your earnings, it’…
Stop for a second. Think very hard about what the last great — and I mean classic — comedy movie came out. What is it? “Tropic Thunder?” That came…
Much like other people’s money, eventually the left will run out of excuses in order to feed their narratives. It doesn’t matter the topic, it almost…
Think about years ago when the satire news site The Onion was still funny. In recent years, The Babylon Bee has taken over as the primary news satire…
Wednesday night was the Media Research Center (MRC) held its 35th Anniversary Gala, "Night of the Unwoke," and Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon was one of…
Seth Dillon runs the Babylon Bee, a satirical news website that creates fake yet humorous headlines about everything from religion to sports. But…
While the left falls over one another in order to protect a phony masquerading as a “journalist” instead of addressing the real problem of leftists…
The Babylon Bee, a popular right-leaning satire site, was locked out of its Twitter account Sunday night for “violating [Twitter’s] rules against…