Second Amendent

Curtis Houck | September 5, 2024
Check out the link to the full post soon from NewsBusters!
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 20, 2023
Joe Biden long ago proved to be the wellspring of an endless stream of downright bizarre statements. But his June 16 appearance at the tax-…
Eric Scheiner | January 31, 2023
“It’s probably a logical conclusion, if you break into somebody’s house you will -might end up being shot by the homeowner,” Haines City Florida…
Eric Scheiner | January 6, 2023
It’s a New Year and some homeowners have already found themselves in the position of defending their lives and property. WSAW reports an armed 79-…
Aidan Moorehouse | July 19, 2022
See the full article on NewsBusters. The more details that have emerged about the botched police response to the Uvalde school shooting, the more…
MarkF | June 26, 2022
On his MSNBC show, Jonathan Capehart says that a line from the SCOTUS decision overturning New York's very restrictive law on the right to carry…
Patrick Taylor | June 23, 2022
In a massive victory for gun rights advocates, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday that "proper cause" requirements for a concealed carry license…
MRC Latino | May 29, 2022
LUIS CARLOS VELEZ: Radical Muslims, for example. Radical Muslims, for example, follow the Quran to the T. The Quran to the T, right? And the Quran…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 3, 2022
    In a new study provided to The Daily Caller, a higher probability that homeowners will also own firearms appears to be strongly correlated…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 13, 2022
On Monday, April 11, Joe Biden did what many pro-liberty Americans feared -- and more. Adding the insults of wildly delusional, utterly fake, “…