Samuel Blumenfeld
Much of United States history is testament to the fact that there was virtually no government-funded, government-run schooling, and, as Alexis de…
One tax-backed professor in Texas claims supporters of a recently passed bill in support of school choice only backed the measure because they "can't…
A Wisconsin city that bills itself as “the little city that does BIG things” just made a BIG splash for a BIG stroke of “woke” genius.
As Monique…
In a suit filed April 12 and now getting wider attention, two Massachusetts residents claim that functionaries and teachers in their local…
It is with profound sadness that we report the Feb 8 passing of legendary American education whistleblower, author, and public speaker, Charlotte T.…
The story comes to us thanks to the diligent work of LibsOfTikTok, which, on February 4, tweeted video of masked kindergarteners (whom even the CDC…
A left-wing coach and professor at the University of New Hampshire is actually offering his students class credit for recording themselves accusing…
CNN reports that, as expected, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ Executive Order to stop local school districts from mandating masks on school kids has…
Offering another prime opportunity for people to study the way government pits people against each other, a California high school teacher has been…
In his novel, “1984,” George Orwell tells readers about Winston Smith’s neighbors, the Parsons, who not only are enthusiastically obedient servants…
President Biden and his administrators have proposed showering $225 billion on government-subsidized daycare over the next 10 years.
Here’s why that…
There’s a term well known to those who critically examine political institutions: "Failing upward."
And it certainly applies to public schools in…