
Jason Cohen | October 13, 2022
Chauncey Devega really needs to go change his pants. He soiled himself in a hysterical Salon piece titled “Donald Trump has learned how to manipulate…
Jason Cohen | October 6, 2022
Making an issue of children being educated about the LGBTQ community is cruel. Yet again, the right is demonizing an innocent marginalized group with…
Jason Cohen | September 15, 2022
Senator Josh Hawley's speech at NatCon on Monday in Miami outraged liberals who claimed the speech was “Christian Nationalist” and seemed like it was…
Jason Cohen | September 14, 2022
Choosing from only two genders is becoming an outdated concept for current college students. According to Genny Beemyn in a piece for Salon, tens of…
Michael Ippolito | August 3, 2022
Conservatives worked for decades to overturn Roe V Wade, and will continue to do their best to save the lives of the unborn – that seems pretty pro-…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | August 1, 2021
  A day after issuing her bizarre mandate that all people setting foot in the House portion of the U.S. Capitol must wear face-diapers, that hoi…
Abby Streetman | June 30, 2021
The "Original King of Comedy" and host of his own show, D.L. Hughley was recently interviewed on “Salon Talks” where he discussed his new satirical…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 29, 2021
After the late May Senate failure of a proposed “Commission” to “investigate” the chaos at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 that Democrats almost…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 19, 2021
Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie (R) Tuesday led a principled rebellion against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her empress-style edict that…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 18, 2021
For some odd reason, the oft-heard line “Do as I say, not as I do” keeps coming to mind when one reads, or sees, or hears, tales of politicians.  It…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 4, 2020
Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the Holmes classic “A Study in Scarlet” and thrilled generations with the ingenious didactics of the British sleuth. But…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 14, 2019
Having trouble with your partner? Can’t seem to make things work in between the sheets? It’s not your fault – just blame Donald Trump! At least,…