rigged election
UFC commentator and podcast giant Joe Rogan went viral Wednesday for comments he made on his podcast asserting that the 2020 presidential election…
Socialism gained another victory on Sunday — rigged as it may have been — but a victory nonetheless.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro celebrated…
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Fox News’ Tucker Carlson couldn’t stop laughing in his interview with Donna Brazile Wednesday night when the former CNN…
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A recent Gallup poll shows that Americans’ confidence in the “honesty of elections” has reached a record low of 30 percent,…
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On “The Factor” Tuesday night, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly discussed Donald Trump’s charges of a “rigged” election.
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Donald Trump campaigned in Colorado Springs, Colo., on Tuesday.
During his remarks, the Republican Party’s nominee…
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During a press conference in the White House Rose Garden on Tuesday, President Barack Obama took the opportunity to…