police state
Democrat New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has a warm, traditional Thanksgiving message for his subjects and anyone with the temerity to visit them…
Remember those happy memories “old” people used to offer? They were those classic “Ahh, the good ol’ days” comments, like, “When I was a kid, we…
With COVID Crackdown Seattle To Permanently Shut 20 Miles Of Streets – For The 'Health' Of Taxpayers
We begin this “wish it were satire” story with that oft-spouted, leftist “rebuttal” to liberty-minded people who oppose taxation:
“But, who’ll…
As the pop media continually prattle about an invisible viral enemy the threat of which is impossible to pin-down because CDC infection numbers have…
Who among us isn’t familiar with the mob-movie trope of the gangster entering a small shop, walking like a bull past the fine china, picking up a…