P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 8, 2022
In a move akin to the old Soviet Empire meeting Monty Python absurdity, the federal government has launched $2.1 million in taxpayer money to “root…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 21, 2017
Do you like cooking? Do you like science? Are you an American taxpayer who doesn’t give a flying flip where your tax dollars go? If you answered…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 15, 2017
I genuinely, with all my heart wish I were kidding about this. But I'm not. Taxpayers – i.e., you and I, assuming you also have a steady job…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 15, 2017
Long gone are the days of The Oregon Trail, the awesomely glitchy computer game sixth-graders used to enjoy by the light of their 1992 Macintosh…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 24, 2017
The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution states that the role of the federal government is to “form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure…
Brittany M. Hughes | August 9, 2016
Ever wonder what it’d cost to study how people tweet after terrorist attacks? Neither did any other sane person on the planet. But the federal…
ashley.rae | June 3, 2016
The National Science Foundation has awarded about $50,000 to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities to host a networking workshop for female…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 12, 2016
What do teachers not paying attention, black women working on computers and behavior-altering bumper stickers all have in common? Your government…
Brittany M. Hughes | October 9, 2015
(Photo Credit: Alamy) If you can’t fix it, just move into it. The same federal government that is always warning us of the apocalyptic perils of…