Nazi Germany
Given the dark stain of immorality and exploitative evil its executives acquired during World War II, one might think that the current heads of…
Here’s one on the light side that still provides some history, even as it reminds folks that politics keeps pitting people against each other…
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) walked back comments he made suggesting that the world would end if Democrats lost control of Congress and drawing a…
In an insulting reiteration of NY Governor Kathy Hochul’s stunning hypocrisy over the rights of people to defend themselves, an Obama-…
Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) has introduced HR 127, a bill that not only echoes, but amplifies, the gun registry Hitler used to…
The far-left is completely out of their minds. Actual members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are spouting conspiracy theories on social…
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour openly compared Donald Trump’s presidency to the Nazi purge of Jews on the infamous “Night of Broken Glass” in 1938, when…
Former ESPN host Jemele Hill posted on Twitter that the United States was “as bad as Nazi Germany” – and the Internet responded.
“Been reading…
The shocking reports increase each day. The longer the United States engages in the political and social activity of trying to fight the Wuhan…
From July of 1940 to September of 1944, the nation of France was ruled by a cadre of politicians and bureaucrats who followed the orders of Nazi…
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) seems not to have acquired the wisdom that Lao Tsu, the 6th Century BC proto-libertarian and founder of…
At first blush, Sacha Baron Cohen’s recent – and entirely un-ironic – Anti-Defamation League (ADL) speech decrying free speech in order to “…