The dark storm clouds of unconstitutional, immoral government involvement in “science funding” and its concomitant political manipulation have been…
“Woke” culture is for people that can’t understand or handle reality. It’s like leftist activists want rational thinking people to think they’re out…
From July of 1940 to September of 1944, the nation of France was ruled by a cadre of politicians and bureaucrats who followed the orders of Nazi…
[See NewsBusters for more.] The supposedly reasonable PBS on Tuesday abounded with dark conspiracy theories about the impeached Donald Trump…
(WARNING: Graphic Language)
There’s the deep end, and then there’s the space that washed up actor Tom Arnold inhabits. Arnold says things that would…
As of this writing, fifty people have died, allegedly at the hands of an avowed collectivist after he shot them and other worshippers in two mosques…
I met PayPal founder Peter Thiel many years ago at a free-market oriented gathering in New York City called the Adam Smith Awards Dinner. He was a…
Does the action of being called a “racist” mean anything anymore? You’d think for being people that constantly talk about how tolerant and…
As if on cue, ready with scripted and pre-packaged (which, undoubtedly, many were) statements, numerous federal-level Democrats’ have called for…
As if the myraid left-wing anti-Kavanaugh talking points haven’t been enough, leftist writer liberals are now targeting Trump’s SCOTUS pick for a…
A prank that was meant as a joke — even if that joke is in poor taste — shouldn’t be judged by government. But, this is what happens when your…