Natural Law
Culminating months of political maneuvering that justifiably leery Americans observed with suspicion, the California Assembly Thursday passed a…
In Effingham County, Illinois, Judge Joshua Morrison on Friday blocked enforcement of Democrat Governor JB Pritzker’s prize gun-grab jewel, the so-…
This week, legal challenges to the immoral and dangerous July-passed N.Y. State Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA), were set on the proverbial…
An additional facet emerging from the June 23 Supreme Court ruling in favor of the right to conceal-carry a firearm outside the home can be…
In a move that likely will anger talking heads in leftist media, one more school district has joined 300 in Texas to recognize local employees’ right…
In a two-to-one ruling full of important touchstones, a panel of the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals ruled January 20 against Ventura County,…
Anyone compiling examples of the pompous, arrogant, sophistic blindness to property rights exhibited by many running the halls of so-called “…
Is there any area of life that politicians don’t see as an opportunity to grandstand, posture, and propose rules “for thee and not for me?”
It seems…
Befitting the bleaker side of “precedent”, Boston University Law School recently announced its courageous appointment of the first “Critical Race…
Last Thursday Joe Biden reversed Donald Trump’s ban on “Title Ten” (of the 1970 Family Planning Services and Public Research Act) taxpayer…
The man who controls billions of dollars, who is both “head of state” in Rome and is said to be the “leader of the Catholic Church," and who lives…
(UPDATE: Late in the afternoon on May 6, FoxNews reports that on the urging of Texas Governor Abbott, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sent a letter…